Good evening,
A lowsec terrorist struck suddenly and violently in Arnstur earlier today, leaving one dead and one in slightly emotionally distraught condition.
Recalling the incident, the surviving Venture's capsuleer captain explains that if it wasn't for his Rattlesnake fleetmate and comrade that he would have been surely killed.
grizzly 2: "I was just sitting at Arnstur VII - Asteroid Belt 1 with Lurp and mining when suddenly this Dominix came out of nowhere! I was like, 'Lurp we should go man!' but before I knew it the Dominix was like, 'Bam! Bam!' and then Lurp was like, 'ugh... fly you fools!' so I just like booked it! ...if it wasn't for Lurp I'd have been a goner..."
Unfortunately, the Rattlesnake pilot succumbed to his wounds before he could be rushed to hospital. Further, Cantor Ryan, the terrorist killer is still at large, and an investigation into this attack is ongoing.
While law enforcement is presently operating under the assumption that the Venture was the intended victim in this crime, other Criminology pundits have suggested that perhaps it was the Rattlesnake escort that was the target all along.
If you have any information relevant to this case or pertaining to the whereabouts of Cantor Ryan, then please call the anonymous Concord Crime Stoppers Hotline.
- Chigurh Friendo